22 / 07
RaiNews24_Gli effetti della pandemia Covid sul mondo del lavoro e sulle opportunità emergenti per i nuovi modelli di business (it)
Mario Calderini on RaiNews24
16 / 07
Impactwise channel_L’imperativo della impact economy(it)
IMPACT CHERRY - Calderini from Cottino Social Impact Campus on Vimeo.
16 / 06
The Potential of Social Enterprises as Milestones for a Place-Based Inclusive Innovation Strategy
CALDERINI, M., FIA, M. & GERLI F. (2020). presented at 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management 7-11 August 2020 titled “Broadenining our sight” Published Online:29 Jul 2020. https://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2020.19088abstract
19 / 01
Talents Venture| Mario Calderini: Istruzione Italia with Mario Calderini
Ad Istruzione Italia è intervenuto il Prof. Mario Calderini per discutere di istruzione universitaria e nuove vie per finanziarla
16 / 01
The relationship between small and medium-sized social enterprises and banks.
BENGO, I., ARENA, M. (2019). International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 68(2) DOI:10.1108/IJPPM-02-2018-0066
16 / 12
The Distinctive Managerial Challenges of Hybrid Organizations: Which Skills are Required?.
AL TAJI, F. N. A., & BENGO, I. (2018). Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 1-18.