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2016 – Ongoing
+ Sport a Scuola is a project designed by the Pietro Pittini Foundation in collaboration with the University of Udine. To convey values such as team spirit, stimulation of respect, healthy competition, and solidarity, this program focuses on fostering the health and psychophysical well-being of the children of some lower secondary schools in Friuli Venezia Giulia.
Although the Friuli Venezia Giulia is not among the Italian regions with the highest emergency in terms of educational poverty and early school leaving, it is nevertheless characterized by a youth population afflicted with large pockets of social, educational, and psychophysical hardship. For this reason, the Pietro Pittini Foundation has decided to promote an inclusive and usable sports project for all, an educational tool that can transmit positive values to children and prevent bullying behaviours, school dropout as well as improve the life skills and profit of lower secondary school students engaged into the project.
The program lasts seven months (from October to April) and consists of two extracurricular meetings per week of two hours each, entirely free for young people who register. It takes place in the gyms of the participating educational institutions for recreational and motor activities (for 70% of the time) and in the school classroom dedicated to the youth communication laboratory (for the remaining 30%), the latter conducted by experts in youth language, media and other innovative disciplines. Sports sessions are carried out by physical education teachers belonging to the institutes themselves, permanently supported by external professors selected by the Faculty of Motor Sciences and Sports Sciences of the University of Udine.
+ Sport a Scuola is a multi-sports project. Every month the children are offered the introduction to different less usual sports, with the involvement of additional external experts of the selected disciplines like parkour, hip hop, MMA, fitball, baseball, petanque, yoga, etc. The ultimate goal is to explore sport in all its aspects, stories, and values, stimulating children’s curiosity and contributing to the improvement of behaviour, to healthy development of character and personality.
Tiresia is involved in leading research to evaluate the social impact generated by the activities of the + Sport at School project implemented by the Pietro Pittini Foundation in some institutes in Friuli Venezia Giulia, in order to understand and measure the effects generated by sports and laboratory activities carried out, on the direct beneficiaries and on the community as a whole, in the short, medium and long term, in both qualitative and quantitative terms.
Coherently, a social impact measurement process was adopted consisting of the following phases: definition of the context of analysis, analysis and involvement of stakeholders, mapping of the changing process, the definition of population indicators and methodologies, impact assessment, and communication of the results.
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