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Legacoop – Sociabilita, social value in regeneration and placemaking.


In 2019 Legacoop Abitanti and Legacoopsociali with Finabita and with the contribution of Coopfond started the SociABìliTA research path with the Politecnico Foundation, the Real Estate Center of the Department of Architecture, Construction Engineering and Built Environment and with Tiresia of the Department of Management Engineering.

SociABìliTA’s goal is to relaunch the distinctive role of cooperation in real estate and infrastructure investments aimed at providing Services of General Interest through the recognition of the social value generated. SociABìliTA is first of all a path that intends to promote the role of cooperatives in urban regeneration programs for the creation of social infrastructure, through the clarification of an integrated action model that sees the cooperation of inhabitants and social cooperation between main stakeholders or in the role of promoters. SociABìliTA is the incubator that brings together the strengths of intersectoral cooperation and that develops and shares the tools necessary to strengthen the intersectoral action model, as well as to explain the potential of the social impact generated, in the approach to programs of urban regeneration.

Tiresia’s contribution consisted in two main activities:

  • Mapping the main impact finance tools, categorized as equity, debt and public-private partnership instruments.
  • Developing Guidelines for planning and measuring the social impact of social housing and urban regeneration projects.

Official site


Legacoop Abitanti




Tiresia – Dipartimento di Ingegneria Gestionale – Politecnico di Milano

Real Estate Center – Dipartimento di Architettura Ingegneria delle Costruzioni e Ambiente Costruito – Politecnico di Milano

Fondazione Politecnico di Milano


Associate Professor

Research fellow